General References:|1. Nelson, JM.; Chiller, TM.; Powers, JH.; Angulo, FJ. (Apr 2007). "Fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter species and the withdrawal of fluoroquinolones from use in poultry: a public health success story.". Clin Infect Dis 44 (7): 977–80. doi:10.1086/512369. PMID 17342653.|2. Kawahara, S. (Dec 1998). "[Chemotherapeutic agents under study]". Nippon Rinsho 56 (12): 3096–9. PMID 9883617.|3. Liu, H.; Mulholland, SG. (July 2005). "Appropriate antibiotic treatment of genitourinary infections in hospitalized patients.". Am J Med 118 Suppl 7A: 14S–20S. doi:10.1016/j.amjmed.2005.05.009. PMID 15993673.|4. MacDougall C, Guglielmo BJ, Maselli J, Gonzales R (March 2005). "Antimicrobial drug prescribing for pneumonia in ambulatory care". Emerging Infect. Dis. 11 (3): 380–4. PMID 15757551.|5. Janssen Pharmaceutica (September 2008). "HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION" (PDF). USA: FDA.|6. Morrissey, I.; Hoshino, K.; Sato, K.; Yoshida, A.; Hayakawa, I.; Bures, MG.; Shen, LL. (August 1996). "Mechanism of differential activities of ofloxacin enantiomers." (PDF). Antimicrob Agents Chemother 40 (8): 1775–84. PMID 8843280. PMC 163416.|7. DrugBank (19 February 2009). "Showing drug card for Levofloxacin (DB01137)". Canada.|8. Renata Albrecht (19 June 2007). "NDA 20-634/S-045, NDA 20-635/S-048, NDA 21-721/S-013" (PDF). USA: FDA.|9. Renata Albrecht (16 April 2008). "NDA 20-634/S-051, NDA 20-635/S-055, NDA 21-721/S-019" (PDF). USA: FDA.|USBio References
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